We help athletes to find harmony between mental and physical strength and use their potential to the maximum.
We strengthen perseverance and resilience. We remove fears, insecurities, pressures, and obstacles that, despite physical readiness prevent the achievement of the highest goals. Start winning. We know how to do it.
What can we do for you?

5 steps of our cooperation
Individuals and teams, we have already helped
From the bottom of the table to one of the top cup placements
Despite his career-ending prognoses, he was back in game
Instead of falling out of the table, the football club moved up in the table by 7 places
Gaining a "double" changed history
Meet Olympos
The Olympos harmonization institution helps professional athletes achieve their goals, increase performance and improve results.
We have created our system that combines reconnective treatment, positive affirmations, knowledge of psychology and coaching.Through harmonization, we can use the athletes’ toughness and potential to the maximum and improve their performance in the long run. We work with individuals, but also with teams and clubs.
The team of Olympos specialists is led by harmonizer and coach Dávid Špak. The experience of uncovering the human mind, becoming acquainted with athletes’ motivation and goals gained while studying on the University and while working with athletes from different industries. After graduating from University, he remained in the coaching business for 12 years. As a harmonizer, he has been helping Slovak and foreign athletes and clubs to achieve their desired victories for the past 5 years.

"I motivate clients with my own belief "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” My great passion is to contribute to the sport’s success of others and fulfill my clients’ sports dreams. That's why I've moved from coaching to a harmonization program. It opens a path for my trustees to succeed and achieve their desired goals. "
One step closer to achieving your goals
For more information, please contact us and we will arrange a personal meeting. We will tell you more about our work and answer all your questions.